Overview of the Extrinsic Evidence Law

The law is made up of two components: the intrinsic, or literal, evidence and the extrinsic, or non-literal, evidence. The intrinsic evidence is made up of all of the laws that are actually written down in books and on websites. These laws include statutes, regulations, and constitutional provisions. The extrinsic evidence includes all other forms of law such as case decisions by courts and administrative bodies like administrative agencies (like the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency), which interpret statutes and regulations and issue formal binding interpretations known as precedents for future cases involving similar issues.

The Law of Extrinsic Evidence

Extrinsic evidence law is evidence that is not part of the record. It can be used to interpret the meaning of a document or to prove the facts stated in a document. For example, if your client has signed an agreement with his neighbor stating he would mow their lawn every week and you want to use this piece of paper as proof that he did so, extrinsic evidence would help explain why it’s necessary for him to do so (because it says so right there on paper). The law allows extrinsic evidence when:

  • The court determines that a document was intended as an instrument of writing; and/or.
  • There are disputes about its meaning; and/or.
  • There are questions regarding whether something was done before or after some event occurred.

Legal Definition of Extrinsic Evidence Law

The legal definition of extrinsic evidence is any evidence that is not contained in the record. This means that it comes from outside of the case file and is introduced to supplement or explain what’s already there. For example, imagine you have a contract between two parties. If one party wants to introduce new terms into that contract terms that were not included in the original agreement but which would affect how it works they would need to present an “outside” source as proof of their proposed amendments (such as another written agreement). Extrinsic evidence can also be used to clarify meanings within documents and contracts; if there’s an unclear phrase or term used throughout your document but nowhere defined, you could show what other similar documents mean by referencing them as well.

Importance of Extrinsic Evidence in Legal Proceedings

The law of extrinsic evidence is an important component of legal proceedings. It allows you to use evidence that isn’t directly related to your case but could be relevant. For example, if you’re suing someone for breach of contract, their history with other contracts might be relevant because it shows how likely they are not to follow through on this one too. Or if someone is accused of murder and has no history of violence or aggression, then the fact that she used to work as a stripper may not actually help her case very much but it could help explain why she was at the crime scene at all!

So how do you use extrinsic evidence in your case? First off: search! You should always make sure there aren’t any documents out there that could help your case before bringing up any new information during court proceedings (or even during pretrial discovery). If there isn’t anything already available online or in public records databases like LexisNexis Academic Universe or Westlaw Library Archive (which have full access), then ask around among friends who might know something useful about either party involved in your dispute; sometimes people who’ve interacted with someone else will remember details that wouldn’t normally come up during questioning from opposing counsel because those memories were formed outside formal settings like depositions or interviews and therefore aren’t admissible under hearsay rules!

How to Find and Use Extrinsic Evidence Law in Your Case

What is extrinsic evidence law? It’s any information that comes from outside of the court record. For example, if you find out that a witness in your case has lied under oath before, or if someone else has provided information about the case that hasn’t been admitted into evidence yet (like medical records), this could be considered extrinsic evidence and allowed into court on the basis of relevancy.

How do I find extrinsic evidence? The first step is making sure you know what kind of case you have: civil or criminal and whether it’s federal or state law. Once you know which type of law applies, then look at each state’s rules about what kinds of extrinsic evidence are allowed under those circumstances. In some cases, there may also be other sources available like statutes and regulations that will help guide what types of extrinsic information can be considered admissible in court proceedings across multiple jurisdictions nationwide (or even worldwide).

Demonstrate The Applicability Of a Law Use Extrinsic Evidence Law

Extrinsic evidence is evidence that is not a part of the original record and does not come from an eyewitness account. It can be used to prove many things, including The law or regulation in question that existed at the time in question, That the law or regulation applies to your case. You may need to use extrinsic evidence if you’re trying to show that a statute or regulation was in effect during your case’s relevant time period and applies to it if there are conflicting statutes (such as state vs federal), or if there are no witnesses who saw what happened but only heard about it after-the-fact (e.g., someone told them).


In order to demonstrate the applicability of a law, regulation, or other legal document, you can use extrinsic evidence. Extrinsic evidence is also useful in cases where there are conflicting interpretations of a rule or law. If you need help understanding this concept and how it applies to your case, speak with an attorney who specializes in civil litigation today!